The decision to change the way you look through Cosmetic Surgery takes careful consideration. At Dr Hala Fadli Clinic we specialise in helping you make the right choice.
Whether you feel your breasts are too small and require a breast enlargement or you want to rediscover the body you had through liposuction or a tummy tuck we can help find the right procedure for you.
The effects of ageing can be reversed and features that have bothered you for years can be changed and a new physique can be attained, which could not be achieved even with exercise and a healthy diet.
Considering Cosmetic Surgery?
Dr Hala Fadli Clinic has been committed to providing excellence in Cosmetic Surgery and Non Surgical Solutions in Dubai. In our time, we have developed a full understanding of the many reasons why people choose to have cosmetic surgery and how it can improve how they feel about themselves.
Deciding to change the way you look through Cosmetic Surgery takes courage and a lot of consideration. It is important that your decision to have a Cosmetic Surgery procedure is considered carefully. It is your body so naturally you will want to place it in the safe and trusting hands.
The Procedures
The Face
Brow Lift
It is not uncommon for the skin above our eyes to start to droop as we get older, causing what is often referred to as the hood effect, and this make eyes look tired and the face look old. Brow lift surgery is a simple procedure carried out to lift the area directly above the eye, opening up the eye area and making the face look younger. It involves lifting the brow itself and tightening the muscles which have been stretched over time, as well as tightening any loose skin in the area and reducing excess fatty tissue.
The benefits of brow lift surgery
- Increased overall self-confidence
- Increased self-esteem
- Look more youthful and rejuvenated
- Correct the asymmetry of the forehead and eyebrows
The procedure for brow lift surgery
The brow lift operation is performed under general anaesthetic and takes between one and two hours to complete.
Eye Bag Removal (blepharoplasty)
Getting older can take its toll on the appearance, particularly to the skin around the eyes which can become loose and wrinkled, start to sag, and make the eyes look tired, adding years to the face. Eye bag removal surgery helps to restore youthfulness to the face; despite the name this procedure covers surgery to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from above the eye, removing the hood of skin which can develop as we get older. It can also be used to remove excess fatty tissue and skin from underneath the eyes, and smooth wrinkles to corners of the eyes, often known as crow’s feet.
Options are for upper and lower blepharoplasty.
- Increased overall self-confidence and self-esteem
- Take away that 'tired look'
- Easier application of make up
- Correct premature ageing
- Improved appearance/Look younger
- Improved vision in some cases
The procedure for Eye bag removal Surgery
Eye bag removal surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a straightforward procedure which usually takes between one and three hours to complete and is often carried out as a day case procedure. The length of time you are in theatre for and your recovery time will depend on the specific surgery you decide to have – this could be surgery to the upper lids, lower lids, or together.
Before & After
Nose Reshaping
As the central feature of the face, the nose can determine your overall look. If you feel it’s not in proportion with the rest of your features, or you’re unhappy with the shape or position of it, Nose Reshaping surgery can help. It can be hard to be completely confident when you’re not happy with a particular facial feature. If the appearance of your nose is getting you down, we would be happy to talk you through your options. During your initial consultation, you will have the chance to ask the many questions you have and a member of our fully trained and qualified team will talk you through the procedure, recovery and ongoing aftercare.
Whats next?
The first step to a new, more confident you is a consultation with a member from our qualified team. During this initial session, you will be invited to ask all your questions to ensure you are happy and comfortable, we will discuss the procedure itself and our excellent aftercare.
The procedure for Nose Reshaping Surgery
The details of a Nose Reshaping procedure differ depending on exactly what you’re having done. However, there will be little to no visible scarring as surgical incisions will be made either inside the nose or along the natural nostril creases. If the bone structure is to be altered, your Cosmetic Surgeon will operate entirely inside the nose so your skin is left untouched and therefore allowed to shrink naturally to fit the new size or shape. The procedure normally takes approximately two hours and is carried out under a general anaesthetic. This is followed by an extensive aftercare programme.
Before & After
Face lift
The visible signs of ageing such as lines and wrinkles, loose skin and brown spots, no longer have to be an inevitable part of getting old, and many people choose to reverse these signs with the help of face lift surgery and other surgical and non-surgical procedures. Face lift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is one of the most commonly requested procedures by both men and women who want to look as young as they feel. It is performed to remove or reduce the skin that has lost its natural elasticity – usually around the eyes, mouth and jaw line – smooth the skin, reduce lines and wrinkles and rejuvenate a tired-looking appearance.
The benefits of having a Face Lift
- Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
- Looking younger
- Feeling rejuvenated and fresher
- Ability to wear clothes with lower necklines - no longer the need to hide behind a scarf / high-necked top
- Easier application of make-up
The procedure for Face Lift Surgery
There are three main types of face lift surgery; traditional, minimal access cranial suspension (MACS) and keyhole surgery. Your surgeon will advise you on which method is most suitable and which will produce the best results.
For many people, combining a face lift with neck lift surgery ensures that the overall appearance is rejuvenated and patients who undergo this combination of procedures have reported looking 10 years younger.
Before & After
Neck Lift
For many people the visible signs of ageing can be difficult to come to terms with, especially for those who feel young at heart. There are many cosmetic surgery procedures and Non Surgical treatments available to reduce or reverse these signs, and a neck lift (platysmaplasty) is one of the most popular. A neck lift, also called a platysmaplasty, is a surgical procedure by which any loose skin along the jaw line and on the neck itself is removed. The effect is a smoother, wrinkle-free neck and jaw line and a rejuvenated appearance. This procedure can also be used to remove excess skin following substantial weight loss or reduction of skin elasticity due to genetics, sun damage or treatment for illness. This procedure alone can be effective in making a person look younger, but is often combined with face lift surgery in order to create a younger overall appearance. Your experienced surgeon will recommend the best procedure or combination of procedures for you depending on the results you wish to achieve.
Benefits of having Neck Lift Surgery
- Increased self-confidence and self esteem
- Looking younger
- Feeling rejuvenated and fresher
- Ability to wear clothes with lower necklines - no longer the need to hide behind a scarf / high-necked top
- Easier application of make-up
The procedure for neck lift surgery
Neck lift (platysmaplasty) surgery is always carried out under general anaesthetic and takes approximately two to three hours to complete. The surgeon will make small incisions in the hairline and behind the ears before stretching the loose skin along the jaw line and on the neck. He or she will then trim the excess skin and secure it in its new position using surgical sutures. If the procedure is being combined with a face lift, the surgeon will also make incisions at the hairline around the face and ensure any loose skin on the face is also tightened – creating a smoother, wrinkle-free and younger-looking appearance.
Before & After
The Body
Many people have an area of their body that they are unhappy with. Our surgeons have been performing liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, thigh lifts and many otherbody scultping procedures since The Harley Medical Group was established. There are many different reasons why people choose cosmetic surgery, but all our patients report a feeling of increased body confidence and self-esteem following their procedure. With advances in cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatments being made all the time, you can now expect the latest techniques and shorter recovery time
Liposuction/Fat removal
For a lot of people losing weight, toning up and achieving the figure they want requires a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise, but some can be left with stubborn pockets of fat that no amount of exercise or dieting can shift. Liposuction surgery, also known as fat removal surgery, is designed to help remove these areas of fat and reshape particular areas of the body – it is not designed to be a quick weight loss tool. Typical problem areas that can be treated with liposuction surgery include:
- Arms
- Inner and Outer Thighs
- Stomach (or Abdomen)
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Knees
- Chin
However, liposuction surgery can be performed on any area of the body and the technique is often used as part of other cosmetic surgery procedures such as the tummy tuck, breast reduction and male chest reduction.
You will need to book in for a consultation where a nurse will assess your BMI (body mass index) to ensure the procedure is suitable for you. If you are very overweight it is likely that you will not be suitable for liposuction as there are physical limits to the amount of fat that can safely be removed from the body. Liposuction is a procedure best suited for body sculpting rather than weight loss.
The benefits of Liposuction Surgery
- Increased self confidence
- Motivation to pursue a healthier lifestyle
- Ability to have wider choice of clothes
- Feel more in proportion
The procedure
Liposuction or fat removal surgery is performed either under general anaesthetic or under local anaesthetic with sedation, and is often treated as a day case, meaning you will not have to stay in hospital overnight. The procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete depending on the area being treated and how much fat is being removed. Your surgeon will make a small incision in the area being treated before inserting a thin plastic tube called a cannula. The other end of this cannula is attached to a powerful vacuum device which removes the fat quickly and efficiently.
The procedure
Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)
Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) patients are often mothers who have had children or men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. The first step to a new, more confident you is a consultation with a member from our qualified team. During this initial session, you will be invited to ask all your questions to ensure you are happy and comfortable, we will discuss the procedure itself and our excellent aftercare
Before & After Tummy Tuck Photos
Arm Lift Surgery
If you are unhappy with the way your arms look, then you are not alone. For many people, the joy and achievement of losing a significant amount of weight can be overshadowed by the excess skin that is left behind. Once the skin has been stretched beyond capacity due to weight gain, natural growth or pregnancy, stretch marks can appear and if the weight is then lost again, the skin may struggle to shrink back into place instead hanging in loose folds from certain areas of the body. Arm lift surgery is performed to remove this excess skin to leave the area tight and smooth, and giving you the body confidence you deserve.
Arm Lift Surgery
- To help create a more proportionate figure and hence make clothes buying much more enjoyable
- To be able to wear clothes that are more figure revealing and the ability to wear a greater variety of clothes
- To feel more youthful and improve the appearance of the skin
- To improve the body contour when seen through tight fitting clothes
The Procedure
Arm lift surgery usually requires an overnight stay in hospital as it is performed under general anaesthetic and takes between two and three hours to complete. To perform the surgery your surgeon will make an incision before pulling the excess skin upwards, stitching it into its new position and trimming the excess. The result is smooth thighs that show the results of your weight loss and give you the confidence to wear summer clothing, swimwear and underwear proudly.
Before & After
Buttock Augmentation (Brazilian butt lift)
Buttock augmentation surgery involves sculpting and filling technique that enhances the roundedness and lifts the appearance of the butt. Liposuction is performed to remove fat to improve the contour of the butt, if necessary the second part of the procedure involves using an implant giving the desired projection and lift of the butt.
Breast Surgery
Breast Enlargement , Breast Augmentation
Breast Enlargement, or breast augmentation is one of the most widely performed procedures. So, if you’re unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. When you’re not completely confident in your appearance it can be difficult to be yourself, but there are ways we can help you to look and feel fantastic. The first step to a new, more confident you is a consultation with a member from our qualified team. During this initial session, you will be invited to ask all your questions to ensure you are happy and comfortable. We will discuss the right size implants, the procedure itself and our excellent aftercare.
Benefits of Breast Enlargement / Breast Augmentation Surgery
- Increase your self-confidence and feeling of femininity
- Be confident to wear the clothes, underwear and swimwear you love
- Change the size, shape, position or firmness following pregnancy, weight loss or the natural ageing process
- Achieve symmetrical breasts
- Achieve a curvier figure
The Procedure
Breast Enlargement, also known as Breast Augmentation or a ‘boob job’, is a surgical procedure that must be carried out by a qualified, registered and highly-experienced cosmetic surgeon. The procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete, is carried out under general anaesthetic and will usually require an overnight stay in hospital so that your progress can be monitored. Your cosmetic surgeon will begin by making small incisions in the natural crease underneath the breast, in the armpit or the underside of the nipple area. They will then insert the implant behind the muscle and breast tissue to give a natural shape before closing the incisions with surgical sutures. You can discuss the procedure in more detail with your cosmetic surgeon during your consultation.
Female Breast Reduction & Male Breast Reduction
If you feel that your breasts are overly large and not in proportion with the rest of your body, you are not alone. Hundreds of women visit our clinics with the same problem and many opt for breast reduction surgery with one our highly trained and experienced cosmetic surgeons. We understand that having overly large breasts can affect self confidence but also cause physical discomfort in the form of back and neck pain, and can make it difficult to find clothes and swimwear to fit properly and look as you’d like them to. Breast reduction surgery is a simple procedure that can have a profoundly positive effect on self esteem, can increase the ability to move freely and exercise, and can ensure you feel comfortable with how your body looks. Many of our breast reduction patients say having the surgery has changed their life.
For males, gynecomastia, abnormally large male breasts, is more common than many people realize, affecting 40-60% of men. In most cases the cause of this condition is unknown.
Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery
- Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
- A wider choice of bras/swimwear
- Improvement in posture
- The ability to wear more fitted clothing
- Reduced chance backache
- Ability to participate in sporting activities
The Procedure for Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction surgery is a commonly performed and straightforward operation which involves reducing the amount of breast and fatty tissues whilst uplifting the breast tissue. The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic and you will be required to stay in hospital for one to two nights, and to take one to two weeks off work. The surgery itself usually takes around three hours to complete, but this is dependent on the size of your breasts and on whether the surgeon needs to reposition the nipples in order to achieve a completely natural look.
Breast Lift
Childbirth, age and significant weight loss can all take their toll on women’s bodies – in particular with breasts - for many women breast lift surgery can offer a way to regain their body confidence. Breast uplift surgery can be combined with breast augmentation surgery to give you fuller breasts and correcting their position on the body. If you have found that your breasts have lost their fullness and are not as supported as you would like them to be, breast uplift surgery could be the solution.
Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery
- Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
- Ability to wear tops without a bra
- A wider choice of clothes
- Enables you to feel more feminine and attractive
- Rejuvenation of the breasts
The Procedure
Breast Lift surgery works by making an incision on each breast, the skin is then lifted and stitched in its new position and excess skin removed. The nipples will then be removed and repositioned to ensure that your newly positioned breasts look as natural as possible. If there is a lack of natural breast tissue and you are looking for a fuller effect, your surgeon may recommend that you combine the procedure with breast augmentation, which involves inserting breast implants to add fullness to the breasts.